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Learn more about the book "Marcel's Letters" and the font P22 Marcel Script, which is based on the handwriting of conscripted WWII laborer Marcel Heuzé
Carolyn Porter, Marcel Heuzé, Marcel's Letters, Graphic Design, Font Design, P22 Marcel Script
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February 15, 1945: “A card to you from not too gay Paree…”

February 15, 1945

My dear young men:

A card to you from not too gay Paree. But it is a beautiful city filled with beautiful women, beautiful buildings, beautiful stores, everything beautiful, no Frenchmen, and a lot of G.I. soldiers. I wish you both could be here to enjoy it. I wish I could enjoy it, too, but I am too busy with my work. Some other day, maybe 

— Dad

Book Blurb: Mark Simonson

I’ve made many fonts but none of them has a story with as many unexpected discoveries and emotional turns as the story of Marcel.


– Mark Simonson, designer of more than thirty fonts, including the iconic Proxima Nova, Mark Simonson Studio


This week, I am expecting to preview final artwork for the cover of Marcel’s Letters. I generally know what to expect; the final cover artwork will reflect a revised tagline and a few other small artwork and composition revisions.READ MORE

December 21, 1942: “The Union of Lonesome Marines”


wilma-combo-smDec. 21, 1942

Dearest Wilma:
Received some of your belated mail today, from the 1st, 10th and 23rd of August. Good mail service, eh? Most of the news you have written in later letters. Oh yes! I understand what you mean about your social security card, now. Wilma! I am surprised at you!READ MORE