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Learn more about the book "Marcel's Letters" and the font P22 Marcel Script, which is based on the handwriting of conscripted WWII laborer Marcel Heuzé
Carolyn Porter, Marcel Heuzé, Marcel's Letters, Graphic Design, Font Design, P22 Marcel Script
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Book Blurb: Glenn Kurtz

Marcel’s Letters deftly portrays how a curiosity can grow into a search, and the search into an obsession. Carolyn’s story bursts with the excitement of discovery and culminates with the indescribable honor of returning fragments of a forgotten history to the people they were meant for.


– Glenn Kurtz, author of Three Minutes in Poland: Discovering a Lost World in a 1938 Family Film

Goodreads giveaway!

Between now and May 9 you can sign up to win one of ten free copies of Marcel’s Letters!
Go to the book’s page on Goodreads, scroll down to “Enter Giveaway” and follow the prompts. Good luck!

Thanks to Skyhorse Publishers for sponsoring this giveaway!

Book Blurb: Yves Peters

Marcel’s Letters is a gripping page-turner about one type designer’s efforts to uncover (and recover) the destiny of a French forced laborer during World War II.


– Yves Peters, type writer and producer for Type Network

Book Blurb: Kenneth Mouré

Fascinated by the handwriting, Carolyn Porter’s chance purchase of a few letters led her to a remarkable adventure in font design, research to understand the wartime separation of a father from his wife and children, and a quest to uncover Marcel’s fate in the Second World War and that of his family. Marcel's Letters tells a compelling story of romance, perseverance, and discovery.


– Professor Kenneth Mouré, historian of modern France, University of Alberta


The Making of Marcel’s Letters

Recently I was interviewed by book development editor Jill Swenson. It was a delightful interview with questions about music and typography and legal issues. You can check it out here.

Dissecting the book cover

The book cover has been finalized! I’m delighted with the final product and am grateful for the work of the cover designer, Erin. I’ve heard people remark they like it; that it has “shelf-appeal.” What people may or may not understand by quickly glancing at the cover, though, is that it has specific design elements that work hard to tell its story.READ MORE