April 4, 1944: “If Pentecost sees me back with you, I’ll be glad…”
See/read a postcard mailed from Vienna by a French forced laborer April 4, 1944.
Elie Cabarrot, Service du Travail Obligatoire, Forced Labor, Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Carolyn Porter, Marcel Heuzé, STO, Vienna, Locomotiv Fabrik
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April 4, 1944: “If Pentecost sees me back with you, I’ll be glad…”

Vienna April 4, 1944

My very dear parents,

I come for a moment to give you some news from me which are very good for now. I am still in good health. I hope it is the same for you.

Here winter is ending; we’re beginning to see nice days. Also with the change in weather I have a bad cold which I hope will soon disappear. These days the mail works badly; so I am more than a month without news, and that makes time seem much longer. You too must get my mail with delay. Did you receive the photos that I sent you, two big ones and two small ones? I’m afraid they might be lost. Be sure and let me know when you get them. Here, from time to time we get alarms, and that’s no fun. I hope that everything will end soon and that I’ll be back with you in a few months. Here we are at Easter, the second Easter that I’ve spent here in Vienna. If Pentecost sees me back with you, I’ll be glad. In the meantime I’m still working at the Locomotiv Fabrik; the work has not changed; it’s all right. I hope that Tonton [translator’s note: “Tonton” is an affectionate term for uncle] and Aunt Jacqueline are fine. I haven’t heard from them for a long time. Say hello to them for me. My mail isn’t long this time, but next week I’ll send you a letter. In the meantime, my dear ones, I’m leaving you today, hoping to hear from you soon and to see each other again before long.

Your son who thinks of you often sends you, my very dear ones, his most sincere and affectionate kisses.
