Learn more about the book "Marcel's Letters" and the font P22 Marcel Script, which is based on the handwriting of conscripted WWII laborer Marcel Heuzé
Carolyn Porter, Marcel Heuzé, Marcel's Letters, Handwritten Letters, World War II, P22 Marcel, Typography, Love Story, Reunion, Daimler, Berlin, Marienfelde, STO, Forced Labor, Service du Travail Obligatoire, WWII
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Ten years of Marcel Script

graphic showing "10 years" and the words "P22 Marcel Script" set in the font and with calligraphic swirls along the edge for decoration.

Today, Valentine’s Day, marks the 10th anniversary of the release of P22 Marcel Script, the font based on Marcel Heuzé’s beautiful handwritten letters. Calling the anniversary ‘monumental’ would, perhaps, be an overstatement. ‘Meaningful’ is a probably a better word. The release was, for me, a meaningful personal and professional milestone. Over the years the font has been used on book covers, wedding invitations, greeting cards, in magazine articles, and more. The delight I feel when I see it in use does not subside. If you’ve used the font, I send a sincere thank you. 

Want to see some samples of the font in use? See samples here.

19 Months in Quarantine: Louise Dillery’s Tuberculosis Story

Photos from Louise Dillery’s private collection.

“I’m bored.” Louise spells out the word for emphasis as she laughs: “B–O–R–E–D.” The remark does not come across as a complaint, just a statement of fact.

Louise Dillery is 94 years old. She understands why she can’t have in-person visitors or go out and get her hair done. She doesn’t feel compelled to break the rules. She knows the stakes of COVID-19 and what it will take to get through this. This is, after all, not the first time she’s been forced to stay inside: nearly seven decades ago, Louise spent 19 months quarantined inside St. Paul’s Ancker Hospital.READ MORE

Everything Old is New Again

Have you seen the ten-year photo challenge that’s making the rounds on social media? It’s where you place a photo of yourself from a decade ago next to a recent photo of yourself to see how much—or little—you’ve changed. The side-by-side photos that have filled my social media feed combined with the oh-so-many articles encouraging people to reflect on the last decade got me thinking.READ MORE

A year-end note of gratitude

Between attending twenty book clubs, giving two dozen public and private presentations on the font and French forced labor, reuniting with my Kindergarten teacher (she’s wearing a black turtleneck in the photo collage below), being on live television and radio, driving more than 2,500 miles to meet readers, participating in a book festival and an author fashion show (who me?!), hearing from a reader who knew Marcel, having the book come out in softcover, and returning to Paris to spend a day with Marcel’s family, 2018 has been a whirlwind of a year.READ MORE

Thank you!

I feel blessed to know some brilliant writers/readers who have been beta reading parts of the manuscript. They have pointed out parts that felt weak or wordy, and other parts that made them laugh and cry. Once something has been revised and edited, oh, say, 30 times, it’s nearly impossible to be objective. So, thank you, thank you!