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Learn more about the book "Marcel's Letters" and the font P22 Marcel Script, which is based on the handwriting of conscripted WWII laborer Marcel Heuzé
Carolyn Porter, Marcel Heuzé, Marcel's Letters, Graphic Design, Font Design, P22 Marcel Script
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Page 29: The pioneer journal of Eliza Steele

Faux pioneer journal from 1860 by Eliza Steele showing what she saw as she crossed the prairie.


As part of the ongoing collection of images showing moments or items mentioned in the book, Marcel’s Letters: A Font and the Search for One Man’s Fate, here is the faux journal mentioned on page 29.READ MORE

Page 51: The zigzag afghan

Readers have told me they enjoy seeing photos of events mentioned in the book, such as this moment from page 64. In the coming weeks I will try to post more of these moments/artifacts.READ MORE

November 10, 1943: “I’m still afraid for you”

eight page letter brown paper, written November 10, 9143

This is the first letter I’ve found that was mailed from France to a French laborer in Germany. The letter was addressed to Serge Brodig, who was in a lager (a barrack) in Berlin. The postage stamps bear Petain’s profile.READ MORE

Jowl Puddle

Someone recently asked to see a photo of Hoover, so I went through old photos looking for one showing his gray jowls puddled on the floor — it was a common sight in his last years. Looking through the old photos made me miss our sweet old boy. We still miss him so.

photo of old black lab with grey jowls sleeping on carpeted floor


Four French POW postcards

Over the years I’ve acquired four French WWII POW postcards. The cards are different from letters men like Marcel wrote in that they seem rigid, rule-wise. READ MORE

Poem: Letters Written in Longhand

I had the honor of meeting Kay N. Sanders a couple of days ago at the Fox Cities Book Festival. She mentioned this poem, and I’m delighted she has allowed me to post it here. I hope you are touched by Kay’s reflection on her mother’s handwriting.


Page 64: Victory at last!

Not long ago I was searching through old digital photos looking for something entirely unrelated to the book when I came across photos from the January 2012 trip Aaron, Hoover and I took to Gunflint Lodge in far northern Northern Minnesota.READ MORE