A Reunion with my Letterform Instructor
See photos of class assignments annotated by UW-Stout Letterform instructor Bill DeHoff, along with a snapshot of Bill DeHoff and former student Carolyn Porter.
UW-Stout, Bill DeHoff, Letterform, Typography, Instruction, Carolyn Porter, Marcel Heuzé, Type Design
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A Reunion with my Letterform Instructor

A few months back, the Director of the School of Art & Design at UW-Stout in collaboration with the AIGA student board, asked me to give a presentation on my design career. I was happy to oblige. Part of the presentation was on graphic design work, but I also talked about the development of the font P22 Marcel. I was thrilled that my Letterform instructor, Bill DeHoff — the person who first introduced me to the beautiful art of typography — attended the presentation.

Believe it or not, I still have the assignments from his Letterform class — assignments he carefully annotated with notes on ways to improve curves, lines and serifs. I never had the heart to throw those class assignments away, and I will forever be grateful for the gentle guidance he provided.