Service du Travail Obligatoire intake form, 1943
People often ask whether I’m still actively searching for information on Marcel. People seem disappointed when I tell them I am not trying to find additional information on his life or his time in the Berlin-Marienfelde labor camp. I feel I have enough information to understand who he was and what he may have experienced. And I believe that even if I were to find additional documents (or letters!) it would not fundamentally change the man I came to know: a kind and loving husband and father.
That being said, every once in a while I find an interesting document (or a document seems to find me). In those cases, I’m happy to share what I learn.
In this case, I found a blank Service du Travail Obligatoire intake form. Oh, how back in 2011 and 2012 I would have loved to have found a document like this that Marcel had filled out! Did he complete one? Probably—though as a skilled metalworker it’s possible he was shipped to Germany without filling out a general form of this sort.
The form itself is what you’d expect. It asks basic information such as name, birthdate and education. But there are a few surprises, such as when they ask if the worker is Jewish.
I’ve attached a full image of the form and a rough translation of the questions.
If you are a historian researching forced labor during WWII, you have my permission to use this image for your research.
Census bulletin
General Commissariat at the Service of Compulsory Labor (Service du Travail Obligatoire)
1. Identification number/Case number
2. Last Name, First Names, Birthdate, Place of Birth
3. Home residence (Department, Municipality, Town, Street)
4. Nationality (For French nationals, indicate the colony, or country of protectorate or territory under mandate)
Is the interested party of Jewish race: Yes or No
5. Family status: Single, married, widowed, divorced (or separated in law or in fact)
6. Number of minor living children
7. General instruction:
The interested party knows how to read and write: Yes or No
Has the interested party obtained the certificate of primary studies: Yes or No
What other university degrees does he have:
What foreign languages does he speak fluently:
8. Technical or professional instruction
9. Current occupation of the person concerned
10. Nature of the business or establishment in which he is employed
11. If the interested party is a boss, head of establishment, in an agricultural, industrial, commercial, liberal profession, answer the following questions:
Company name and address:
Number of workers or apprentices permanently employed:
Is the interested person a master craftsman:
Registration number in the trade register:
12. If the interested party is registered mariner, indicate:
The maritime registration district:
The provisional or definitive registration number:
13. If the person concerned is unemployed, indicate since what date:
14. Does the interested party practice or did he practice before 1940, driving a vehicle:
Motorcycle – Tourism – Heavy goods vehicles – Public transport – Tractor
15. Did the interested party do military service? If yes, assignment, date of incorporation, date of discharge
16. Was the interested party mobilized during the 1939–1940 war?
If yes, date of demobilization, demobilization device.
Is he a repatriated prisoner?
17. Did the interested party serve in a youth workcamp?
If yes, last grouping number, date of incorporation, date of discharge
18. Power board:
Number, category, place of issue
19. Orientation:
Is the person interested in going to work in Germany?
To which profession does the interested party wish to be directed?
20 A. Physical aptitude:
Very strong – Strong – Medium – Weak – Unfit
B. Only for new men before January 1st, 1920:
Does the person concerned wish to undergo a medical examination with a view to their classification in the “weak” or “unfit” categories?
C. If the person concerned has a disability resulting in total or partial incapacity for work, indicate it as well as the degree of disability:
Only for men born after January 1st, 1920: Observations of the medical inspection committee:
Area at bottom:
Spaces are included for work assignment, place for date and signature, left thumb print, right thumb print, mayor, mayor’s stamp.