OTD August 6, 1944: The Daimler-Marienfelde factory was bombed
See the US Library of Congress image showing the August 6, 1944 bombing of Daimler's Berlin-Marienfelde factory
Berlin, August 6 1944, Panther tanak, US Army Air Force, 8th Air Force, Bombing Raid, Daimler, Marienfelde, B-17, Marcel Heuzé, Marcel Heuze, Carolyn Porter, "Marcel's Letters"
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OTD August 6, 1944: The Daimler-Marienfelde factory was bombed

Library of Congress image USZ62-59134
Upper left: Before; Center: During. Lower right: After.

On this day seventy-three years ago, eighty-three Army Air Force B-17 bombers targeted Daimler’s Marienfelde factory. “The bombing is very effective,” the mission record stated, “and ten major [targets] are severely damaged during one of the best days that the Eighth [Air Force] experiences.”

If you’ve read “Marcel’s Letters,” you’ll know I scoured military mission records to find out how and when the factory where Marcel worked had been bombed. If you have the book, you can read the passage about the search—and this specific bombing raid—on pages 109–112. The photo above is first referenced at the bottom of page 110.

  • carolyn

    August 7, 2017 at 3:03 am

    Hi Karen –

    I am so, so delighted you enjoyed reading the book. Thank you for letting me know about your reading experience.

    Peggy is delightful!

    Best to you,

  • Karen Hansen

    August 6, 2017 at 11:31 pm

    What a wonderful book!! You live in my home town (go bears!) and have met my wonderful cousin Peggy!! I couldn’t put your book down. I do believe Marcel found YOU!!
    Karen Hansen