June 4, 1944: “It is with sadness that we hear every day about the deadly bombings on France!”
See/read translation of postcard mailed by French forced laborer on June 4, 1944
philatelist, philately, stamp collecting, Jean Louis-Augustin, WWII letter, Detmold, France, Bombing, Marcel's Letters, Forced laborer, STO, Service du Travail Obligatoire
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June 4, 1944: “It is with sadness that we hear every day about the deadly bombings on France!”

Detmold, June 4, 1944
Good old Georges, 
Really, what’s new with you? Still no news from you. Unfortunately, the mail doesn’t work very well, and I get very few letters.

Beside those from my parents, I don’t have any news from my buddies. Did you receive everything I sent you? You must have taken your exam quite a while ago by now and I hope everything went well. Let me know soon because I’d be so happy to hear of your success. Since my last card that I sent you May 21st, there’s nothing new here. Life is always the same, and I am still a glassworker. Except for the three days of beautiful weather this week, it’s always cold and it rains constantly. It really is no fun to live in such regions! Of course the alarms continue and they are even getting worse. It is with sadness that we hear every day about the deadly bombings on France! From so far away so much grief!
Now to change the subject, dear Georges, let’s talk about stamps! With the help of a French buddy who is a philatelist also, I found a tobacconist who sells stamps. The woman who runs it speaks French very well, so we understand each other even better. Unfortunately there is nothing great because there are only recent stamps. Anyway it’s better than nothing, so I got all the stamps published since the end of the year 1943. I noticed that among those a good many were not sold at the Post Office or were not willingly sold to the buyer. (It’s about the same thing in France). Thanks to that shop I was able to get many copies because I think of you. I can tell you that there are many series. I usually go there once a week , around 7 o’clock after work. I’m really anxious to see you again, old Georges. I’m still very much in the dumps. How much longer is this going to last?
I’m going to leave you again for today, good old Georges, while waiting for a letter from you. Please give my respectful greetings to your parents for me. For you, dear friend, my deep friend friendship with a brotherly handshake.